Inverse Trigonometric Function

The inverse trigonometric functions play an important role in calculus for they serve to define m  any integrals. The concepts of inverse trigonometric functions is also used in science and engineering. 

Basic Trigonometric functions: 

We have already studied about six trigonometric functions, details of all six trigonometric functions is given as:

         Domain range and period of trigonometric functions:
Domain and Range
Inverse of Trigonometric functions is not possible in their natural Domain and Range because they are not ONE-ONE and ONTO functions in their domain.
But if we fix Domain and range of Trigonometric functions then we can find inverse easily 
Inverse Trigonometric

  1. All trigonometric functions are periodic functions.
  2. All trigonometric functions are Continuous in its domain.
  3. Sin–1(x) should not be confused with (sin x)–1. In fact (sin x)–1 =  and similarly for other trigonometric functions.
  4. The value of an inverse trigonometric functions which lies in the range of principal branch is called the principal value of that inverse trigonometric functions.
  5. If y = f (x) is an invertible function, then x = f-1(y). Thus, the graph of sin–1 function can be obtained from the graph of original function by interchanging x and y axes, i.e., if (a,b) is a point on the graph of sine function, then (b, a) becomes the corresponding point on the graph of inverse of sine function.  
  6. Thus, the graph of the function y = sin–1(x) can be obtained from the graph of y = sin x by interchanging x and y axes.

Graph of Inverse trigonometric functions: 

Graph of inverse trigonometric functions are obtained by making then ONE-ONE and ONTO functions by fixing their domains, because inverse of a function does not exist if functions is not ONE-ONE and ONTO functions.

   If you know what is ONE-ONE and ONTO functions then you can proceed to next otherwise it's better to go and read functions available on our blog.

NCERT Graph1

Graph of inverse trigonometric functions

  Graph of y = Cos–1(x):-


 Graph of inverse trigonometric functions

 Graph of inverse trigonometric functions
 Graph of inverse trigonometric functions
 Graph of inverse trigonometric functions

inverse trigonometric functions examples :

  1.         Find the principal value of sin-1{1 }, cos-1(0 ), cosec-1(2).
  2.         Find the value of tan-1(1) + cos-1(1 ) + sin-1 (1/2 ).

inverse trigonometric functions formulas

      Properties of inverse functions:-
      1.      Relation between inverse functions:
i.          Sin-1 x = cosec-1 (1/x);  x É› (-∞  -1] U [1 ∞ )
ii.       Cos-1 x = sec-1 (1/x) ; x É› (-∞  -1] U [1 ∞ )
iii.      tan-1 x = cot-1 (1/x) ; x > 0
      2.      Negative values :
i.          Sin-1( - x ) = – Sin-1( x ), x É› [-1   1]
ii.       tan-1( - x ) = – tan-1( x ), x É› R
iii.     Cosec-1( - x ) = – cosec-1( x ), x É› [1   ∞)
iv.      Cos-1( - x )   = Ï€ – Cos-1( x ) ; x É› [-1   1]
v.        sec-1( - x ) = Ï€ – sec-1( x ) ; x É› [1   ∞)
vi.      cot-1( - x ) = Ï€  – cot-1( x ) ; x É› R.
      3.      Inverse formulas : -
i.          Sin-1( x ) + Cos-1( x ) = Ï€/2  ,  x É› [-1   1]
ii.       tan-1( x ) + cot-1( x ) = Ï€/2,  x É› R
iii.     sec-1( x ) + cosec-1( x ) = Ï€/2,  x É› [1  ∞]

iv.       tan-1( x ) + tan-1 (y ) = tan-1[ (x+y)/(1 - xy) ] ;  xy < 1, if xy > 1 the Ï€ + tan-1[(x+y)/(1 - xy)]

inverse trigonometric functions formulas are easy to remember, all formulas are derived from trigonometric formulas, just plug some trigonometric functions in places of x and y then you will realize how easy to remember. 

        inverse trigonometric functions examples :

       1.       Find the value of tan-12 + tan-13.
       2.       Find the value of tan-1(1/2) + tan-1 (1/5) + tan-1(1/8).
       3.      Find the value of Sin-1(2/3) + Sin-1(8/17).
       4.      Find the value of x in Sin-1(1 – x) – 2Sin-1x = Ï€/2 .

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    I want to write about the skin disease Psoriasis. This skin disease is spread all across the world. In India Psoriasis is spread vastly in the rural as well as in urban areas. Psoriasis is a challenging papulosquamous dermatological disease with no known etiology and no perfect therapy for controlling the disease. Multiple therapies involving steroids and critical drugs like methotrexate (double edged knife drug) Are being used with unpredictable therapeutic response. Further there is no advanced clinical method to understand and evaluate the efficacy of treatment. Psoriasis is chronic relapsing disease of the skin characterized by variable clinical features. It is a challenging disorder with no known etiology and no perfect medicine for controlling the disorder. Medical professionals all over the world are looking for a safer drug which can control the Psoriasis though not cure.

    The cutaneous lesions are usually so district that a clinical diagnosis is easy to make. The lesions are classified as erythrosquamous, which indicated that both the vasculature (erythema) as well as the epidermis (Increased scale formation) are involved.

    The morphology of the skin lesions varies considerably. The terms commonly used to describe the different morphologic types of the disease. Psoriasis vulgaris is the most common type of psoriasis. Circular plaques are predominant on the elbows, knees, lower back, and the retroauricular areas of the scalp, whereas eruptive (guttate) lesions are often confined to the trunk and proximal extremities. Psoriatic erythroderma involves the entire body, presenting with generalized erythema and varying degrees of scale.

    Psoriasis may also present in a pustular form. There is a generalized form, usually referred to as pustular psoriasis (von Zumbusch), and a localized variant, confined to the palms and soles, known as pustulosis palmaris. In rare instances, in psoriasis of the plaque type or guttate psoriasis, pustules may develop after acute relapses (psoriasis with pustules).

    The clinical presentation varies depending on a number of factors, which may cause an individual to present with a few localized psoriatic plaques or with generalized skin involvement and the development of pustules. The disease activity is reflected predominantly as scaling in stationary plaques and as inflammation in the eruptive guttate lesions.

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    Contact Detail
    Dr Deepak Bhalla : +919810584818

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